
Applying a Risk-Aware Frame to Your Nonprofit’s Most Impactful Decisions

Many nonprofit leaders might not think about risk until a board member or committee asks them to or an unanticipated development or event disrupts operations. A risk-aware approach can help your nonprofit make better decisions in all aspects of its work. Bringing a risk lens to your work doesn’t have to be taxing or complex. … Continued

Surprises Await: Embrace the Future

“The future is already here—it’s just not very evenly distributed.” – William Gibson By Melanie Lockwood Herman Whether you’re finalizing your FY 2020 budget, wrapping up a 2020 work plan, or prepping talking points for a seasonal pitch to donors, my guess is that your agenda this month is fairly future-focused. As risk advisors, the … Continued

Uncertainty: A New Formula for Crisis

by Glenn Mott There is a widely held and often repeated chestnut of Far Eastern wisdom that the Chinese word for “crisis” is composed of two seemingly opposite but complimentary characters. Maybe you’ve heard this one? It’s a gnomic gem that is particularly popular among executives and motivational speakers. The adage came into wide circulation … Continued

Setting & Applying Your Risk Appetite

Dive into the concept of risk appetite with this webinar. Learn about a couple common risk appetite frameworks, and the NRMC team’s philosophy for applying risk appetite in a practical way that relates to decision-making. Engage your team in dialogue about your collective risk appetite, and guide your team to confidently make decisions that align … Continued

Dream Big: 10 Lessons Learned from Skydiving

By Christine Smith On Monday, I had the opportunity to jump out of a plane from 10,000 feet in the air at 120 miles per hour. Yes, that’s right, I went skydiving! If you’ve seen my bio on the NRMC website, you would know that it was an item on my bucket list. To say … Continued

Lessons from a Risk Appetite Exercise (Risk Leadership Certificate Program)

By Erin Gloeckner The inaugural 2017 Risk Leadership Certificate Program (RLCP) is complete and the NRMC team plans to continue sharing updates and insights from this intensive risk leadership training program in the weeks ahead. One topic that our cohort explored during our final weekend together was risk appetite. As a UK-based financial institution defined … Continued

Risk Oversight: Who Dunnit?

By Erin Gloeckner When I first heard the term risk oversight, I imagined a risk manager following clues in a deerstalker hat like Sherlock Holmes. I thought risk oversight meant chasing down the villain who allowed the risk to materialize. But risk oversight is not about blaming people when downside risks materialize. Those responsible for … Continued