
Surviving and Thriving in the Wake of a Data Breach

In this article, Glenn Mott speaks with Greg Walters, Associate General Counsel for Litigation for the Peace Corps, where he provides comprehensive litigation and compliance assistance to an organization with 7,000 volunteers in 65 countries. His areas of experience include federal IT compliance law including FISMA, HIPAA, the Clinger-Cohen Act and related Office of Management … Continued

Cyber Liability Insurance: What You Need to Know

Risks related to data privacy and systems security are top-of-mind for risk professionals. And although insurance coverage is available for many aspects of this complex risk landscape, insurance products differ in intent, structure, and protection. Attend this webinar to learn about the key components and features of insurance policies available to protect against the “what … Continued

Technology Mishaps: Planning for IT and Communications Disasters

By Christy Grano For most of us, the word “disaster” usually brings to mind a natural disaster like a hurricane or a tsunami, but in the risk management world technology disasters immediately come to mind. An unexpected loss of data or communication can bring an entire organization to a halt if power, internet, email, or … Continued