Our Team

Meet the Team

The Nonprofit Risk Management Center inspires effective risk management and Risk Champions across the nonprofit sector. We enable nonprofit leaders to identify and manage risks that threaten their missions and operations, while empowering them to leverage opportunities and take bold, mission-advancing risks.

Board of Directors

Patricia Vaughan


Patricia Vaughan

Population Council

New York, NY

Joseph Budzynski


Joseph Budzynski

Volunteers of America

Alexandria, VA

David Kyllo


David Kyllo

Kyllo Consulting

Plymouth, MN

Heather Chadwick

Heather Chadwick

College Board

New York, NY

Paul Doman

Paul Doman

Itasca, IL

Kemba Esmond

Kemba Esmond

NeighborWorks America

Washington, DC

Dr. Jermaine L. Hunter

Dr. Jermaine L. Hunter


Upper Marlboro, MD

Lisa Prinz

Lisa Prinz

Avalon, NJ

Michael Schraer

Michael Schraer


Whitehouse Station, NJ

“The board and staff of the Prince George’s Child Resource Center are extremely pleased with the results of the risk assessment conducted by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. A thorough scan revealed that while we are a well run organization, we had risks that we never imagined. We are grateful to know that we have now minimized our organizational risks and we recommend the Center to other nonprofits.”

— Marti Worshtil, Prince George’s Child Resource Center

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