
Contractor or Employee? Time to Get it Right

By Melanie Lockwood Herman  It’s nice to know that you’ve answered correctly, particularly on matters over which the Internal Revenue Service has authority. But when it comes to classifying workers as either employees or independent contractors, many nonprofit leaders select the more convenient option. Instead of holding your breath and hoping that the IRS will … Continued

Preventing Crime on Your Premises

Imagine the shock of discovering that one of your employees, volunteers, or service recipients has been the victim of a crime. Now, imagine the even worse shock of discovering that the crime was committed on your organization’s property, and that you could have prevented it. Such incidents can devastate the victims and the organization. Increasingly, … Continued

Theft of Funds is Not Covered by Insurance

Theft of Funds Is Not Covered by Insurance This article first appeared in Don Kramer’s Nonprofit Issues, and is reprinted here with permission from the publisher. For more information on Nonprofit Issues, visit

The Care and Feeding of a Healthy Organization

Healthy nonprofits are committed to maintaining a steady, robust income stream; developing and implementing sound investment strategies; and paying daily attention to accounting controls. Robust Income Streams Truly healthy nonprofits enjoy diverse funding sources. They protect the continuity and stability of every income stream. They assign a single staff member to pay particular attention to … Continued

The Audit Committee and Its Expanding Role in Risk Management

By H. Felix Kloman The National Association of Corporate Directors and The Center for Board Leadership have just published Audit Committees: A Practical Guide.” It is the work of a Blue Ribbon Committee on Audit Committees and will have a major effect on the practice of risk management. Risk and risk management are now board … Continued