July 30, 2015

Resource Type: Webinars

Stir the Pot: Effectively Requesting Proposals and Evaluating Vendors

Do you have a current vendor who is just a bad egg? Do you have a program area where there are simply too many cooks in the kitchen? If your organization’s current vendors aren’t working out the way you’d like,...


March 1, 2006

Resource Type: Webinars

Third-Party Harassment: Is Your Nonprofit at Risk?

This 60-minute seminar offers a practical look at the topic of third-party harassment. While most nonprofit leaders are aware of their obligations to reduce the risk of harassment between staff members, greater awareness of third-party harassment is needed to adequately...


April 5, 2005

Resource Type: Webinars

Managing Special Event Risks: Practical Strategies for Nonprofits

Special events are increasingly common in the nonprofit sector. Yet safety often and unfortunately takes a back seat. If your nonprofit sponsors even one event annually, whether it's an athletic competition held outdoors or a fundraising dinner, you need to...
