December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Articles

Protecting Vulnerable Clients from Abuse

This article is an excerpt from a chapter of the Center’s soon-to-be-released publication, Exposed: A Legal Field Guide for Nonprofit Executives, by Melanie Lockwood Herman and Mark E. Chopko. To pre-order a copy of the book, which will be shipped or...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Front-Line Risk Managers in Senior Service

Individuals who regularly visit older individuals and who witness family situations, living conditions, and physical and mental changes obtain a valuable opportunity to detect serious consequences of aging before serious consequences can result. One of the most serious consequences of...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Articles

A Golden Opportunity

The age distribution of the American public is changing. Healthier lifestyles and medical innovations have increased the longevity of the American population. Our citizenry now includes not only higher percentages of senior Americans, but greater numbers of elderly members who...


July 25, 2009

Resource Type: Risk Management Essentials

Vol. 18, No. 2, Summer 2009

Download PDF What's Inside Managing Special Event Risks Protecting Vulnerable Clients from Abuse
