Enterprise Risk Management Services

Founded in 1992, the Nonprofit Risk Management Center (NRMC) works to support nonprofit missions and inspire risk-aware decision making and risk leadership in the nonprofit sector. Since 2009, NRMC has been helping nonprofit leadership teams design and implement Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) frameworks and approaches. We work with leading advocacy, research, and community-serving nonprofits across a wide spectrum of missions. All NRMC consulting clients operate in complex, dynamic landscapes. Our team welcomes the opportunity to help nonprofit leaders get started with ERM or provide an external perspective and ‘extra set of hands’ to support ERM goals and efforts that are underway. Our team’s strengths include bringing fresh and creative ideas to build on an organization’s goals for a more holistic approach to risk management. We take great pride in our sensitivity to the unique mission, history and culture of each nonprofit we support, and we are committed to offering multiple pathways around common ERM implementation obstacles and challenges.

High-demand ERM services from NRMC include Enterprise Risk Assessment and ERM Capacity Building.

Enterprise Risk Assessment:

  • An independent analysis of the strategic and operational risks facing a nonprofit with candid commentary about the relative urgency of specific risks
  • Interpretation and qualitative analysis of data gathered through one-on-one stakeholder conversations and our team’s careful review of documents and materials provided by client teams
  • Detailed, custom, practical recommendations for strengthening internal risk management capabilities, with an emphasis on the priority risks identified during the engagement
  • Presentation of assessment findings to staff and governing teams
  • Follow-up interaction with risk leaders in the organization to support evolving capabilities

ERM Capacity Building:

For nonprofit organizations that have already begun an ERM journey, we offer hands-on coaching and support, such as:

  • Review of existing ERM materials, risk registers, and frameworks to identify ways to make these tools and resources more impactful, practical, robust and easier to integrate into existing planning and decision-making process
  • Development of graphics and other tools to support ERM work, such as risk dashboards, ERM accountability frameworks, system maps, Key Risk Indicators, and board risk reports that link strategic priorities to risks
  • ERM 101, Risk Assessment, Risk Appetite and Risk Oversight workshops for staff and governing teams
  • Risk leadership coaching for team members responsible for leading or facilitating ERM initiatives

For nonprofits teams new to ERM, we offer:

  • ERM workshops and briefings for staff teams, board teams, ERM committees and other stakeholder audiences
  • Access to sample, custom risk assessment, risk management and risk reporting resources developed by NRMC for myriad organizations across a wide spectrum of missions
  • ERM maturity models that showcase the evolution of an organization’s risk management program over time
  • Assistance creating organizing materials for evolving ERM capabilities, such as frameworks, process diagrams, and documents explaining the program’s purpose, objectives and deliverables

Many NRMC clients elect an ERM Assessment with Capacity Building. Each of the engagements described above can be scaled up or down. For prospective clients, we are available to present a custom proposal reflecting our understanding of your needs, a proposed timetable, and pricing.

See: a short case study on ERM Capacity Building for an International Nonprofit.

NRMC’s minimum fee for an Enterprise Risk Assessment is $40,000. If this engagement does not fit your needs, call us to develop an ERM offering just for you. To learn more about NRMC’s ERM consulting services, contact Kay Nakamura (Kay@nonprofitrisk.org) or Melanie Lockwood Herman (Melanie@https://nonprofitrisk.org/) at 703.777.3504.

Base Price: $36,000

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