Youth Program Sample Code of Conduct

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

By the NRMC Team

Resource Type: Articles

Topic: Youth Protection and Child Safety


This form may be adapted to use with preteen or teenage participants in
your program. You may wish to make the language less formal or the
vocabulary less sophisticated, depending on the developmental stage of the
young people in your programs. You might also wish to add or subtract
components to the code. You may find you get more “buy in” if the
participants are part of the development process. If you use a “contract”
such as this, you must be willing to enforce the consequences if the code is
broken, or otherwise the “contract” has no meaning for the participants.
Including youth and staff together in one code strengthens the notion that
rules are part of life that both youth and adults have to follow.

Code of Conduct

[Name of Nonprofit] is a youth-serving, community-based organization
dedicated to providing [description of mission or services]. Participation
in the organization’s programs is subject to the observance of the
organization’s rules and procedures. The activities outlined below are
strictly prohibited.
 Any participant or staff member who violates this
Code is subject to discipline, up to and including removal from the program.

  • Abusive language towards a staff member, volunteer or another
  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages
    or illegal drugs on [Name of Nonprofit]’s property or reporting to the
    program while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Bringing onto [Name of Nonprofit]’s property dangerous or unauthorized
    materials such as explosives, firearms, weapons or other similar items.
  • Discourtesy or rudeness to a fellow participant, staff member or
  • Verbal, physical or visual harassment of another participant, staff
    member or volunteer.
  • Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group.
  • Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others.
  • Failure to follow any agency policy or procedure.
  • Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any participant.
  • Failing to cooperate with an adult

I have read and I understand the [Name of Nonprofit]’s Code of Conduct. I
agree to abide by the rules described above and understand that I may be
removed as a participant if I violate any of these rules.

Signature __________________________________________

Date _______________

Witness ___________________________________________

Date _______________


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