Valiant Volunteerism: Managing Volunteer Risk & Reward

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

By the NRMC Team

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Topic: Volunteer Risk Management

Enjoy this RISK eNewsletter filled with volunteer risk management resources!

The Frankenstein Effect: Misclassifying Your Volunteers

The NRMC team fields lots of questions about worker classification. If you misclassify a worker, you increase the likelihood of various downside risks, including financial penalties and poor morale.

Read about The Frankenstein Effect to prevent your nonprofit from creating a misclassified monster risk. Dig in deeper with our article Employee or Volunteer – What’s the Difference?

Termination Trepidation: Managing Volunteer Dismissals

Volunteers sometimes pose undue risks or perform poorly. Perhaps the hardest part of managing volunteers is knowing when to dismiss them. Thank your volunteers for their service and follow these tips to terminate with respect and care.

Webinar: Lend a Helping Hand – Top 10 Risks Facing Volunteer Programs

Fortify your volunteer program by watching our webinar on the top 10 risks facing nonprofit volunteer programs. This webinar is available to NRMC’s Affiliate Members.

Not sure if you’re a member? Check our Affiliate Member list, then log in and visit the Webinar Vault.

Need access? Join our Affiliate Member family today! Benefits include:

Contact the Nonprofit Risk Management Center team to explore our volunteer risk management resources and risk leadership resources: or 703.777.3504.


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