Estimated Reading Time: 13 minutes
‘Tis May, ’tis May, the merry month of May, when thoughts turn to sports competitions, street fairs, music festivals, parades and other special events. It’s a wonderful time of year to promote a nonprofit’s name, encourage participation of a new crop of volunteers, and perhaps earn some unrestricted funds to support programming. In all this excitement, make certain that you allot enough time — yes, dare we say it — to evaluate the risks, as well as the opportunities, associated with your special events. Remember that a misstep for your nonprofit may damage not only your revenue stream, but also your fine name. You can purchase insurance to finance some aspects of the risk, but damage to your reputation can put you in arrears for years or seal your doors forevermore. So make certain the Maypole is firmly seated in the ground, and the ground is level and minus potholes or exposed roots, before people dance around it.
Risk management isn’t about dampening enthusiasm or squelching fun. Appropriate risk management activities should be integrated into daily tasks and mind-sets. This incorporation actually elevates fun and enthusiasm by reducing anxiety that an unknown something will go wrong at the worst possible time.
To pique your interest in increasing safety, here is a synopsis of situations where things didn’t go according to plan in otherwise well-managed special events. Although the size of the events and risks may be beyond the scope of many nonprofits, there are lessons to be learned from them. Even the pros can underestimate Mother Nature and Murphy’s law.
In March of 2002, the Minnesota Supreme Court upheld a ruling requiring the City of Minneapolis to pay no-fault insurance benefits to four of the victims of the Holidazzle parade incident that occurred December 4, 1998. A Minneapolis police van swerved into the crowd of people who were awaiting the arrival of the annual winter event on Nicollet Mall. Two people died and 11 were injured. The insurance payment was previously ruled outside the state-mandated liability limit of $750,000 per case.
What you might do to make the crowd safer:
The wind was knocked out of the debut of The Wild Thing balloon at the 1998 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The character balloon received a 10-foot gash in its side when it was blown into a lamppost along the route. No one was injured — unlike the previous year when high winds blew the Cat in the Hat balloon into a lamppost with such force it broke off the lamppost’s arm, raining debris on the crowd. The most seriously injured was a Manhattan resident, who suffered a skull fracture and was in a coma for nearly a month. She filed a $395 million lawsuit against the city, Macy’s and the lamppost manufacturer. The suit was settled on the eve of jury selection in March 2001. Ironically new requirements enacted following this incident included reducing the size of the balloons, having a meteorologist on hand, and grounding balloons if winds reached 23 mph and gusts hit 34 mph. None of these saved The Wild Thing.
What you might do to make entrants safer:
Winds also wreaked havoc with the 1999 New York City Marathon, run in November, but that was the least of the organizer’s worries. In July of that year, nine wheelchair athletes filed a lawsuit in federal court, charging the New York City Road Runners Club with “bigotry and elitism which caused humiliation and harm” to wheelchair racers. They claimed the organizer’s conduct violated the Americans with Disabilities Act and New York’s Human Rights Law among others. Right after the suit was filed, the racers won a court injunction against interference on the course. Thus the November 1999 NYC Marathon was the first in 10 years where wheelchair racers weren’t stopped along the course, forced to run an alternate route or delayed so lead foot racers could cross the finish line first. In early 2000, the suit was settled out of court resulting in two large changes: 1) in 2000, wheelchair winners received trophies and were included in the official ceremonies, and 2) in 2001, the Marathon began awarding prize money to the top wheelchair finishers.
What you might do to level the playing field:
This year runners down under will be rerouted for their safety. The Huntley (Australia) Half-Marathon organizer has changed the race route so it no longer crosses State Highway One at the stoplight in Waikatao town as it has for the past eight years. The route won’t use the two pedestrian bridges as an alternate either. The Waikato District Council is afraid the bridges used to cross the highway and the river wouldn’t hold up under the weight of 1,800 or so runners pounding across them.
What you might do to make the marathon route safer:
On Australia’s Gold Coast, a pack of 50 sharks disrupted 7,500 surf lifesavers competing in the 2002 national titles. Officials pulled competitors from waist-deep water, while dispatching boats and helicopters to assess the risk and drive the sharks away. Sharks are lured to shallower, warmer water to feed on schools of baitfish. Hundreds of sharks (aggressive tiger and hammerheads among them), some over 13 feet long, were involved in a feeding frenzy elsewhere along the tropical coast. As a result, one competitor took to practicing in his home pool. Another said sharks had been known to take a chomp out of a surfboard. There have been other shark warnings at past events and the procedure is always the same, said a referee — “We clear the water until the threat is gone.” The sharks delayed the second day of the event by one hour. The championships feature running, swimming, surfboard and surfboat races.
A fund-raising race in the United States was held in floodwaters. “We’re going the extra mile to find the cure!” was the rallying cry for five teams of determined paddlers who competed in the Great Mississippi River Race for Rett Syndrome in May of 2001.And they did breaking several world records. The world’s longest canoe and kayak marathon race — 2,348 miles nonstop from Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico — coincided with some foul weather, flooding and unusually high river-water flow rates. In order to proceed against these high risks, organizers negotiated special permission from the U.S. Coast Guard to travel on closed sections of the flooded river, and from the U.S. Corps of Engineers to navigate spillways of several locks and dams to ensure safe passage for the racers. The oldest racer, 78, and his teammate won. But the race wasn’t without mishaps. The second-place winners had a literal run-in with a sheriff’s boat that collided with them in a restricted stretch of water. One team’s kayak overturned and disappeared over a dam. The team swam 75 yards to shore, shopped at Toys R Us for a replacement kayak and continued the race. The two other teams had to pull out of the race for medical reasons. You’ll find the safety program for this event race at Part One focuses on “team preparedness and communication” and Part Two focuses on a communication plan in light of an emergency, and a Plan B.
What you might do to improve safety in a high-risk event.
Rougher rides and baby-boomers that just can’t give up the thrill of a good carnival or roller-coast ride contributed to emergency room statistics in 1998. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) reported that 9,200 people were treated for injuries linked to carnival rides and theme-park attractions, a 24 percent increase since 1994. The jump “represents motion-related injuries from bad bruises to sprained muscles and herniated disks,” according to The Wall Street Journal. Signs giving height, weight or medical (heart, back, neck malady) warnings aren’t doing the trick. People just don’t think the message applies to them and then blame the ride and the park for the motion-related injuries from speed, height and/or directional changes. There have been lawsuits — the one against Walt Disney Co. for Disneyland’s Indiana Jones ride was settled in 2001. There have been deaths — four in 1999.
What you might do to make events at amusement parks safer:
Nonprofits that rent carnival attractions, such as moonwalks, carousels, Ferris wheels and roller coasters that are trucked from city to city, should be aware that they tend to be smaller and less powerful than theme park rides. However, carnival rides caused approximately 22 percent of those ER visits tracked by the CPSC in 1998.
What you might do to make rented carnival attractions safer:
Following the August 2000 Notting Hill Carnival in London, England, where two men were “brutally murdered,” the mayor convened a nine-member Carnival Review Group. Its task was to study the way Europe’s largest cultural festival and the problems that its popularity and success have brought, and determine its future. The CRG met with the Notting Hill Carnival Trust and the Metropolitan Police Authority to address:
The review group solicited opinions from organizations and individuals affected by the carnival via questionnaire, and invited those directly involved in the cultural, safety and other organizational aspects of the carnival to a series of meetings.
Then the CRG invited the general public to send their views via e-mail about:
The interim report concluded: “What began as a spontaneous celebration [40 years ago] has grown into Europe’s largest street festival, yet the infrastructure and resources available to the organizers have remained at a level associated with a local rather than an international event. Our chief concern is that the carnival must be a safe and enjoyable occasion for participants, visitors and residents alike, young and old.”
Key recommendations for the 2001 event were:
The 2001 carnival was attended by 800,000 people according to the police, fewer than the 2 million that usually participate in the two-day event. More than 12,000 people performed on the floats. Due in part to the changes made following the 2000 event (Fewer main stages focused the music among smaller venues and the parade itself.), there were only 101 arrests (129 in 2000) and 166 incidents of crime (249 in 2000). Even so, there were claims that many of the 600 stewards who help the police maintain control weren’t trained and didn’t receive proper background checks. The cost of the increased police presence was $5,781,160 or $578,116 per detainee that a deputy assistant commissioner said he refuses to pay in 2002. The 2002 carnival will take place August Bank Holiday weekend (Aug. 26-27). Organizers are still mulling over a revised parade route and placing some of the larger sound stages in other parts of the city to make the event safer and less costly.
What you might do to evaluate and improve the safety of your special event:
As Scottish poet Robert Burns so glibly put it, “best laid plans o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley.” But just because plans can go awry, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make them. Purchasing insurance is one way of transferring some financial aspects of risk to another organization in exchange for a fixed premium. However, insurance isn’t a substitute for an overall commitment to managing risk. Risk management activities and programs in a nonprofit focus principally on preventing harm to the persons served by the organization as well as protecting the organization’s other assets and reputation. For nonprofits it’s always preferable to avoid accidents and missteps altogether because when things go wrong in a nonprofit, the organization may not be able to survive the resulting turmoil. The echoes of an incident may damage the organization’s reputation beyond repair.
To find out more about managing special event risks in a nonprofit organization, refer to your copy of Managing Special Event Risks: 10 Steps to Safety-2nd Edition here.
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“Melanie Herman has provided expert, insightful, timely and well resourced information to our Executive Team and Board of Directors. Our corporation recently experienced massive growth through merger and the Board has been working to better integrate their expanded set of roles and responsibilities. Melanie presented at our Annual Board of Director’s Retreat and captured the interest of our Board members. As a result of her excellent presentation the Board has engaged in focused review which is having immediate effects on governance.”
“The Nonprofit Risk Management Center has been an outstanding partner for us. They are attentive to our needs, and work hard to successfully meet our requests for information. Being an Affiliate member gave us access to so many time- and money-saving resources that it easily paid for itself! Nonprofit Risk Management Center is truly a valued partner of The Community Foundation of Elkhart County and we are continuously able to optimize staff time with the support given by their team.”
“The board and staff of the Prince George’s Child Resource Center are extremely pleased with the results of the risk assessment conducted by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. A thorough scan revealed that while we are a well run organization, we had risks that we never imagined. We are grateful to know that we have now minimized our organizational risks and we recommend the Center to other nonprofits.”
Great American Insurance Group’s Specialty Human Services is committed to protecting those who improve your communities. The NRMC team has committed to delivering dynamic risk management solutions tailored to nonprofit organizations. These organizations have many and varied risk issues, hence the need for specialized coverage and expert knowledge for their protection. We’ve had Melanie speak on several occasions to employees and our agents. She is always on point and delivers such great value. Thank you for the terrific partnership and allowing our nonprofits to focus on their mission!
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