Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes
Resource Type: Articles
Topic: Facility, Program and Transportation Safety, HR Risk and Employment Practices
A colleague recently asked me to contribute some ideas for her presentation to an audience interested in evacuating aged and disabled occupants from high-rise residential buildings. Born with cerebral palsy and never able to stand, I believe my experience as a disabled person traveling on airplanes gave me some special insights into her topic.
When I fly commercially, two airline employees in the jet-way normally lift me from my wheelchair, strap me onto an “aisle chair,” move me on that chair into the plane, then transfer me from the aisle chair to my seat. (An aisle chair is like a wheeled stretcher, bent into a sitting position, which is narrow enough to fit down the center aisle of an airplane.) Quite often while waiting for take-off, the chief flight attendant or a member of the flight crew explains to me that in the event of an emergency some of the crew will use that same aisle chair to get me off the airplane — but only after all the other passengers have been evacuated. I will then leave, or I will die, with the captain.
The airlines’ policy recognizes that disabled people move more slowly than the able-bodied under almost every imaginable circumstance. The airlines correctly profile me and other disabled passengers as a hazard to others on board a plane when evacuation emergencies arise. I also feel that their “you-leave-with-the-captain” policy is much better for me than some other safety policy options the airlines might adopt. These policies could include (1) not taking me as a passenger at all unless I can evacuate a distressed plane on my own; or (2) limiting me to choose only from infrequent, special, disabled-only flights.
For me to expect or for airlines to grant me any special preference in emergency evacuation would almost certainly cost more lives than it would save. Lawsuits would surely be brought against an airline on behalf of those needlessly killed just to get me off the plane as a priority passenger. In these emergencies, an airline’s ethical duty is to save as many lives as possible. Based on the assumption that the lives of all the passengers aboard a given plane are equally valuable, the airlines cannot make “moral triage” judgments as to which passengers’ lives are more worthy of saving.
Personally, I am very comfortable with leaving — or dying — with the captain. Yet I recognize that other disabled people in such an emergency situation would believe that I am consenting to suicide and would not accept the airline’s terms. Everything depends on the premise that all lives are equally worth saving in any emergency situation — whether on an airplane, in a high-rise or in your nonprofit.
Many nonprofits focus their mission on serving clientele with specific disabilities. During any emergency situation, these disabilities, whether physical or cognitive, are very likely to impede the timely evacuation of all occupants from danger. Do your nonprofit’s leaders truly believe that all lives are equally worth saving when, in an emergency, practical priorities will almost be certainly be given to the able bodied, not to your nonprofit’s clientele? More specifically:
These questions are not easy to answer. Nonetheless every disabled person, and ultimately every nonprofit, must confront them. Each disabled person — each disability-focused nonprofit — is likely to find a slightly different answer. I have given my own answer: Yes, take me out last so that as many others as possible may live. Others will disagree with me or will think me insincere. Yet every disabled person able to do so has a right to make his or her own choices. Every disability-centered nonprofit has a corresponding duty to educate each client so that he or she is psychologically and ethically prepared for the rescue-priority decisions that true emergencies suddenly force upon us.
Life-threatening emergencies will happen; are your nonprofit and your disabled clients ready in their minds and hearts?
[Note: I thank Lisabeth A. Groller, one of my personal care aides, for her substantive contributions to the foregoing thoughts.]
“First let me congratulate you on a conference well done. I had a great time at the Nonprofit Employee Benefits Conference and walked away with some valuable tools and questions that we’ll need to be addressing in both the short and long term. Thanks to you and your staff for all you do to provide us with quality resources in support of our missions.”
“BBYO’s engagement of NRMC to conduct a risk assessment was one of the most valuable processes undertaken over the past five years. Numerous programmatic and procedural changes were recommended and have since been implemented. Additionally, dozens (literally) of insurance coverage gaps were identified that would never have been without the work of NRMC. This assessment led to a broker bidding process that resulted in BBYO’s selection of a new broker that we have been extremely satisfied with. I unconditionally recommend the Center for their consultative services.
“Melanie Herman has provided expert, insightful, timely and well resourced information to our Executive Team and Board of Directors. Our corporation recently experienced massive growth through merger and the Board has been working to better integrate their expanded set of roles and responsibilities. Melanie presented at our Annual Board of Director’s Retreat and captured the interest of our Board members. As a result of her excellent presentation the Board has engaged in focused review which is having immediate effects on governance.”
“The Nonprofit Risk Management Center has been an outstanding partner for us. They are attentive to our needs, and work hard to successfully meet our requests for information. Being an Affiliate member gave us access to so many time- and money-saving resources that it easily paid for itself! Nonprofit Risk Management Center is truly a valued partner of The Community Foundation of Elkhart County and we are continuously able to optimize staff time with the support given by their team.”
“The board and staff of the Prince George’s Child Resource Center are extremely pleased with the results of the risk assessment conducted by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. A thorough scan revealed that while we are a well run organization, we had risks that we never imagined. We are grateful to know that we have now minimized our organizational risks and we recommend the Center to other nonprofits.”
Great American Insurance Group’s Specialty Human Services is committed to protecting those who improve your communities. The NRMC team has committed to delivering dynamic risk management solutions tailored to nonprofit organizations. These organizations have many and varied risk issues, hence the need for specialized coverage and expert knowledge for their protection. We’ve had Melanie speak on several occasions to employees and our agents. She is always on point and delivers such great value. Thank you for the terrific partnership and allowing our nonprofits to focus on their mission!
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