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The only way to dodge social media risk these days is to abstain from posting, peeking and, with a new ruling from the National Labor Relations Board, liking! And few employers or employees are choosing abstinence these days according to a recent poll. The 2014 Pew Internet Project research survey revealed that 74 percent of adult internet users have at least one social networking site. Fast Company reports that the fastest growing demographic of social media users is mature folk between 45 and 54 years of age. And according to the 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 97 percent of marketers use social media. Trying to reach stakeholders? The 2014 Nonprofit Marketing Guide reports that nonprofits consider social media communications the third most important communications tool after websites and email marketing, with 86 percent of respondents indicating that social media was somewhat or very important.
Instead of hoping you can dodge legal risk by refusing to jump on the bandwagon, a better approach is to take a few minutes to understand some of the legal risks associated with social media. Armed with a basic understanding of what you’re up against, you can focus your attention on the opportunities, instead of the downside risks of using social media tools.
Facets of social media risk are addressed in two risk resources from the Nonprofit Risk Management Center: the Staff Screening Notebook, and Exposed: A Legal Field Guide for Nonprofit Executives-2nd Edition. Order copies of these publications to learn more.
In 2010, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) began investigating whether some employer social media policies violated employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act. The most recent NLRB social media ruling involved an employer who terminated two employees after they responded to a former employee’s Facebook post.
In the recent case, a former employee of the Triple Play Sport Bar and Grille of Waterbury posted a complaint on Facebook after learning that he owed additional taxes due to the company’s tax filing error. A waitress at the restaurant commented on the post and a cook “liked” the comment. Both employees were subsequently fired for disloyalty and the cook was threatened with a defamation suit. A court ruled in favor of the two former employees, who sued the restaurant for wrongful termination. In the subsequent NLRB decision issued in August 2014 the agency found that “We agree with the judge that the discharges were unlawful. We also adopt the judge’s findings that the respondent violated the act by threatening employees with discharge for and interrogating employees about their Facebook activity, as well as by informing employees they were being discharged because of their Facebook activity. In addition, we adopt the judge’s finding that the Respondent unlawfully threatened legal action for engaging in that activity.”
Another downside risk associated with social media is learning something about an applicant through online research that you cannot consider in making the hiring decision. A 2013 survey sponsored by CareerBuilder and conducted by Harris Interactive© found that 39 percent of hiring managers conducted research online as part of the pre-employment screening process for prospective employees. The survey also found that 43 percent of hiring managers who researched candidates online “found information that has caused them not to hire a candidate.” The most common types of information found on social media that led to the disqualification of candidates included: postings of provocative or inappropriate photos or information, information about the candidate drinking or using drugs, and negative comments about a prior employer. Although online research can help employers avoid hiring candidates who are a poor match, such research can also expose an organization to a claim alleging illegal discrimination.
For example, you might learn from social media about the applicant’s religious affiliation or sexual orientation. The decision to include social medial profiles in the vetting process is a business decision. While it is never appropriate to view social media profiles to satisfy your curiosity about a candidate, it may be an appropriate risk if you believe that failing to do so could constitute negligent hiring for certain sensitive positions. If your decision is to continue or start checking social media profiles, make certain you are aware of the types of information you might learn that cannot be used in making a hiring decision.
Order copies of the Center’s publications to learn more about social media risk and more. The Notebook offers guidance on legal risks associated with the 10 steps in a screening process for paid and volunteer staff. Exposed covers a wide range of liability risks, from privacy breaches to defamation, to cyber liability and more.
Melanie Lockwood Herman welcomes your questions about employee use of social media and other risk topics at or 703.777.3504.
“First let me congratulate you on a conference well done. I had a great time at the Nonprofit Employee Benefits Conference and walked away with some valuable tools and questions that we’ll need to be addressing in both the short and long term. Thanks to you and your staff for all you do to provide us with quality resources in support of our missions.”
“BBYO’s engagement of NRMC to conduct a risk assessment was one of the most valuable processes undertaken over the past five years. Numerous programmatic and procedural changes were recommended and have since been implemented. Additionally, dozens (literally) of insurance coverage gaps were identified that would never have been without the work of NRMC. This assessment led to a broker bidding process that resulted in BBYO’s selection of a new broker that we have been extremely satisfied with. I unconditionally recommend the Center for their consultative services.
“Melanie Herman has provided expert, insightful, timely and well resourced information to our Executive Team and Board of Directors. Our corporation recently experienced massive growth through merger and the Board has been working to better integrate their expanded set of roles and responsibilities. Melanie presented at our Annual Board of Director’s Retreat and captured the interest of our Board members. As a result of her excellent presentation the Board has engaged in focused review which is having immediate effects on governance.”
“The Nonprofit Risk Management Center has been an outstanding partner for us. They are attentive to our needs, and work hard to successfully meet our requests for information. Being an Affiliate member gave us access to so many time- and money-saving resources that it easily paid for itself! Nonprofit Risk Management Center is truly a valued partner of The Community Foundation of Elkhart County and we are continuously able to optimize staff time with the support given by their team.”
“The board and staff of the Prince George’s Child Resource Center are extremely pleased with the results of the risk assessment conducted by the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. A thorough scan revealed that while we are a well run organization, we had risks that we never imagined. We are grateful to know that we have now minimized our organizational risks and we recommend the Center to other nonprofits.”
Great American Insurance Group’s Specialty Human Services is committed to protecting those who improve your communities. The NRMC team has committed to delivering dynamic risk management solutions tailored to nonprofit organizations. These organizations have many and varied risk issues, hence the need for specialized coverage and expert knowledge for their protection. We’ve had Melanie speak on several occasions to employees and our agents. She is always on point and delivers such great value. Thank you for the terrific partnership and allowing our nonprofits to focus on their mission!
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