
Resource Types

November 9, 2022

Resource Type: Articles

Take Action on Risk: Make a Plan, Not a List

“Research has shown that of all forms of human motivation the most effective one is progress. Why? Because a small, concrete win creates momentum and affirms our faith in our further success.” – Greg McKeown, Essentialism Are you a compulsive or...


December 8, 2021

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Risk Roles in a Nonprofit

Evolution of risk management programs happens in many ways. However, expansion usually involves infusing risk awareness into decision-making and routine activities. Doing so often requires the thoughtful consideration of how new risk-related activities will be dispersed among the team. During...


November 1, 2021

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Reimagine Your Risk Roundtable

During NRMC consulting engagements and conversations with our Affiliate Members, our team often hears about the work and deliberations of risk teams. During the Virtual Risk Summit, I was delighted to join my colleague Ann Terlizzi, Director of Risk Management at Lutheran Social Service...


March 28, 2018

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Restructuring Risk Roles

Throughout the sector, more and more nonprofits are formally assigning risk management responsibility to an individual or team focused on risk, usually with risk or related words in their job titles. Many NRMC clients succeed by assigning an existing team to wear...


September 27, 2017

Resource Type: Risk eNews

The Illusion of Teams

Teams are often viewed as a possible panacea for complex organizational challenges. However, forming and deploying teams to address perennial problems sometimes creates a mirage; leaders believe they see something that isn’t really there. Effective teams are more often an...


June 1, 2017

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Truth or Story? The Human Capacity for Knowledge

Tell me a story. In this century, and moment, of mania, Tell me a story. Make it a story of great distances, and starlight. The name of the story will be Time, But you must not pronounce its name. Tell...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Articles

The Nitty Gritty of a Risk Committee

“Let’s form a committee!” is the frequent battle cry of nonprofit leaders facing a complex problem for which there are no obvious, immediate or cheap solutions. When more than one brain is needed to ponder a perplexing problem, forming a...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

A League of Your Own

Last weekend two close friends who are enthusiastic members of a bowling league persuaded me to join them for an outing to our local bowling alley. Prior to Sunday I perceived bowling to be an individual sport. I’ve watched winning...


November 3, 2014

Resource Type: Webinars

Teamwork is Job One!

A common mistake in nonprofit risk management is delegating responsibility to a single staff member or volunteer. Attend this webinar to learn why an interdisciplinary approach to risk identification is vital, and how a team comprised of players from every...
