
Resource Types

August 22, 2018

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Publishing Rights: Fair And Fit To Print

Online aggregators have a pesky habit of repackaging content they’ve trolled from the web, rather than paying for and producing original content. You may have discovered this yourself, spotting your content or intellectual property cut up and republished without attribution...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Articles

Drove My Browser to the Levy

The Aughties should be a good decade for intellectual property attorneys. Of course, there has always been lots of work for those seeking to protect those who think and create from those who plagiarize and copy. But the Internet, email...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

‘A rose is a rose…’–What about a Red Cross?

What would your nonprofit do if it were forced to give up its logo or tag line because another organization successfully claimed it as their own? The American Red Cross survived such a threat recently when a federal court in...
