
Resources Types

December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Articles

Happy Endings

As another calendar year draws to a close, the subject of “endings” comes to mind. Every day across the U.S., nonprofit leaders experience endings of one kind or another. The departure of a long-time employee, the retirement of a board...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Drafting a Memorandum of Understanding

An effective Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) prevents misunderstandings and disputes by clarifying the expectations of the partners. The process of developing an MOU is an instructive and potentially invaluable experience in partnering. You will learn how responsive your partner will...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Relationships Are Risky

Relationships are fraught with risk. Whether you’re consoling a friend coping with heartbreak, or commiserating with a nonprofit colleague who has recently fired a supplier, you might hear: “If I had only known…” or “If I could do it again...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Webinars

Contracting Risk: Frameworks for Success

Every nonprofit enters into contracts. From the simplest contract with a volunteer to a complex agreement with a technology vendor, every contract is a potential risk management tool. But a poorly written contract can expose a nonprofit to greater risk...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Webinars

Contracting Do’s, Don’ts & Musts for Nonprofits

Nonprofit managers and leaders sign contracts on a regular basis. But too often we take pen in hand without first taking time to make certain that we understand the language in front of us. Even fewer people give contracts the...


April 5, 2005

Resource Type: Webinars

Managing Special Event Risks: Practical Strategies for Nonprofits

Special events are increasingly common in the nonprofit sector. Yet safety often and unfortunately takes a back seat. If your nonprofit sponsors even one event annually, whether it's an athletic competition held outdoors or a fundraising dinner, you need to...
