
Resource Types

November 14, 2024

Resource Type: Webinars

Insurance Myths and Facts for Nonprofits

Everything you know about insurance might be wrong. Join NRMC for an engaging session that will dispel myths about nonprofit insurance, break down the facts, and give you a better understanding of how to approach insurance at your nonprofit.    HANDOUT:...


March 20, 2023

Resource Type: Articles

Scope Out Scenarios to Inspire Confidence During Disruption

The prospect of a recession, loss of a key funding source, or other downside event, should inspire a commitment to pause and reflect. None of us know how and when the most mission-impactful risks will materialize. But any planning we...

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March 18, 2021

Resource Type: Webinars

From Service Provider to Mission Champion: Maximizing Your Relationship with Your Insurance Advisor

Insurance agents and brokers who specialize in helping nonprofits are too often an underutilized, untapped resource. In some cases, that’s because nonprofit buyers believe that coverage is a commodity and mistakenly only view their agent or broker as a salesperson....


November 19, 2020

Resource Type: Risk eNews

5 Ways to Make the Insurance-Buying Process Seamless for Nonprofits

Insurance goes hand in hand with effective risk management. Yet, while the nonprofit sector may be incredibly diverse, many nonprofits and social service organizations share the mutual challenge of finding the right insurance policy for their specific, often highly nuanced,...


October 17, 2020

Resource Type: Articles, Risk eNews

Demystifying Cyber Liability Insurance

Every nonprofit that collects and stores confidential information, Personally Identifiable Information (PI), or Protected Health Information (PHI) is vulnerable to a costly data breach and its consequences. Data breaches, denial of service attacks, and phishing scams are a sampling of...

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September 29, 2020

Resource Type: Risk eNews

NRMC Q&A with Ed Partridge

Ed Partridge is the Northeast Underwriting Manager at Care Providers Insurance Services — a best-in-class program built by NSM Insurance Group, the nation’s leading provider of specialty insurance programs. Visit to learn more or contact Ed at What changes are happening...


March 24, 2020

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Are We Covered? Your Nonprofit’s Insurance Policies and COVID-19 Claims

This article was adapted from a Client Alert published on March 20, 2020 by the law firm Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP. NRMC is grateful to the firm for permitting us to adapt their excellent piece for our nonprofit...


August 20, 2019

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Insurance FUN-damentals: A Broker’s View

This week we speak with Derek Symer, a Principal and Senior Vice President at AHT Insurance. Derek brings two decades of experience and a unique understanding of nonprofits to his clients. His passion for this sector drives his continued knowledge...


April 24, 2019

Resource Type: Webinars

Cyber Liability Insurance: What You Need to Know

Risks related to data privacy and systems security are top-of-mind for risk professionals. And although insurance coverage is available for many aspects of this complex risk landscape, insurance products differ in intent, structure, and protection. Attend this webinar to learn...


December 19, 2018

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Insights from Insurance Industry Thought Leaders

During the most recent Risk Summit, we hosted a lively session titled Insurance Industry Insights. Featured on the dais were senior leaders from insurance carriers that specialize in insuring nonprofit organizations. We explored trends in the insurance sector and panelists also answered...
