December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Risk and the Art of the Motorcycle

On Sunday of this week I was blessed to have the opportunity to reflect on two favorite subjects: motorcycles and risk management. Sunday, September 6th was the birthday of Robert Pirsig, author of the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Front-Line Risk Managers in Senior Service

Individuals who regularly visit older individuals and who witness family situations, living conditions, and physical and mental changes obtain a valuable opportunity to detect serious consequences of aging before serious consequences can result. One of the most serious consequences of...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Perspective: How Do You See Your Nonprofit?

As we reach the home stretch in our preparations for the 2009 Risk Management & Finance Summit for Nonprofits all roads lead to Austin, TX, the site of the event… except, or so it seems, the road I happen to be traveling...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Conquering the Fear of Scrutiny

I Would Prefer That You Not Look To err is human. And to fear scrutiny of our shortcomings is human nature. Although the popularity of reality TV shows suggests otherwise, most people value their privacy and would prefer to keep...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Risk eNews

Conquer Your Fear with Familiarity

I’ve often remarked that, in the absence of fear, few nonprofit leaders would look to the Nonprofit Risk Management Center for advice and assistance. Fear motivates leaders to attend risk management workshops, purchase online tools, and read the books and...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Articles

Calculated Risk: The End of the World as We’ve Known It Not!

During the last century, a handful of historians and academicians debated the question of who was the first risk manager. In his new book, The Polar Bear Strategy, author John Ross traces back the history of risk management to a...


December 2, 2016

Resource Type: Articles

Calculated Risk: Calculated Risk Three Foundations

Movin through the spheres, faster than light On our way to some planets that were outta sight! We said space driver, give it a spin And take us to some places We ain't never been. — "Is That You Mo-Dean?"...


October 28, 2015

Resource Type: Webinars

Ladder of Inference

The Ladder of Inference technique is a tool to help prevent common biases and human tendencies from derailing your risk management program. Inspired by the tool developed by organizational development guru Chris Argyris, this workshop begins with a review of...


November 3, 2014

Resource Type: Webinars

Teamwork is Job One!

A common mistake in nonprofit risk management is delegating responsibility to a single staff member or volunteer. Attend this webinar to learn why an interdisciplinary approach to risk identification is vital, and how a team comprised of players from every...
