Build a Communications Plan to Support Change
By Rachel Sams Across NRMC’s client portfolio, employees tell us they’re overwhelmed by time-sensitive requests from all parts of their organizations, on many different platforms. This sense of overwhelm holds true for people who work at three-person nonprofits and those with thousands of employees. A daily barrage of communications combined with a change management effort … Continued
A Step-by-Step Guide to Change Management
By Rachel Sams Many organizational change efforts will fail—up to 70 percent of them, depending on which experts you ask. What makes the difference? What factors make a change take hold, and what can make a change fall flat? I’ve led my share of organizational change efforts that succeeded, as well as changes that flopped. … Continued
What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About Change
By Rachel Sams Years ago, when I was a reporter for a business journal, the editing team met behind closed doors each week to select stories for Page 1. Then our editor decided to make a change. She told us the team would gather for a weekly Page 1 meeting. Each reporter would pitch one … Continued
Build a Communications Plan to Support Change
By Rachel Sams Across NRMC’s client portfolio, employees tell us they’re overwhelmed by time-sensitive requests from all parts of their organizations, on many different platforms. This sense of overwhelm holds true for people who work at three-person nonprofits and those with thousands of employees. A daily barrage of communications combined with a change management effort … Continued
American Camp Association – Business of Camp Conference
“Ch-Ch-Changes: Why Changing Everything is Hard and May be Necessary” (keynote)
New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation
“Resilience Roadblocks”
NeighborWorks America
“Navigating Change in an Evolving Work Environment: Organizational Responses to COVID-19”
Nonprofit Leadership Alliance
“Risk Leadership: Inspiring Teams to Embrace and Manage Risk”
“The Workplace of Today and Tomorrow: Managing Risk and Reward”