Tags: Risk Management Function
September 25, 2024
Resource Type: Articles, Risk eNews
Risk Managers Must Learn to See What’s Already There. Here’s How.
I recently finished a fascinating book on the power and perils of something all humans experience: habituation. In Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There, Tali Sharot and Cass R. Sunstein encourage readers to seize and embrace...
Topics: General
February 7, 2023
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Live Long and Prosper: Strategies for Longevity in Risk and Life
When NRMC meets with prospective consulting clients, they almost always express concern about sustaining their risk management efforts. We hear things like: “We were full speed ahead when we began our ERM program a few years back, but it has...
Topics: General
November 28, 2022
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Make Progress in Your Risk Program Real, Not a Mirage
In their terrific book, Risk: A User’s Guide, authors McChrystal and Butrico describe “structure” as one of 10 dimensions of building a “Risk Immune System.” But they caution readers that changing the structure of a function may not necessarily mean the...
Topics: General
July 5, 2022
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Risk Leadership Life Hacks
A Google search for the term “life hacks” returns 318 million results. That’s a lot of advice on efficiency whirling around the web! These days, everyone is interested in how to do things better, maximize precious time and resources, and...
Topics: General
June 22, 2021
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Perfect is the Mortal Enemy of the Good: Why Minimum Viable Risk Practices are Perfect
Seasoned hiring managers and interviewers often listen carefully for an interviewee’s response that acts as a red flag waving “don’t hire this person!” For me, it’s a statement like this: “I’m a perfectionist,” or “My biggest weakness is that I...
Topics: General
May 29, 2019
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Egalitarian Risk Leadership: Flatten or Fatten?
In our capacity as advisors and coaches, the NRMC team develops and adapts risk management frameworks, strategies and tools for the complex nonprofits we serve. No two consulting clients or Affiliate Members are the same. To make the consideration of...
Topics: Enterprise Risk Management
April 3, 2019
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Out of Focus: How Being Less Focused (and More Aware) Pays Off
Mindfulness, like it’s complement gratitude, has been much hyped—with good reason. Our underlying mindset and conditioning are nearly invisible to most of us; by itself, the conscious mind is insufficient to get at the deeper mindset. Nonjudgmental, present-moment awareness (aka mindfulness...
Topics: General
February 19, 2019
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Clearing the Air: How to Find Powerful Lessons After a Loss or Near Miss
The hindsight bias, also known as the “I-knew-it-all-along” effect, is the tendency to believe that past events were predictable. In the risk realm, an important part of a risk leader’s responsibility is reflecting on mistakes, losses, near misses and situations...
Topics: General
March 28, 2018
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Restructuring Risk Roles
Throughout the sector, more and more nonprofits are formally assigning risk management responsibility to an individual or team focused on risk, usually with risk or related words in their job titles. Many NRMC clients succeed by assigning an existing team to wear...
Topics: General
June 28, 2017
Resource Type: Articles
Create A Risk Management Function That’s Built To Last
Many nonprofit organizations have made it a priority to integrate risk-aware thinking and decision-making into day-to-day operations and strategic planning. Plenty of organizations demonstrate expertise in managing risks related to programs, facilities, and clientele. But nonprofits' ever-changing risk landscape invites...
Topics: General