Tags: Contracts
March 7, 2023
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Survey Says: Contracting Risk Survey Insights
You’ve just accepted a new role as a nonprofit CEO or risk leader. You quickly realize that, before you arrived, no one was formally assigned responsibility for reviewing contracts. When issues arise with vendors, you find incomplete files and partially...
Topics: General
February 23, 2023
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Managing Contracting Risk: How Do Your Practices Stack Up?
The expression "nothing is certain except death and taxes," is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. This week, in between reading a terrific book on The Swedish Art of Aging Exuberantly, I'm pondering a third inevitability for nonprofit organizations: contracting snafus. If...
Topics: General
December 2, 2016
Resource Type: Risk eNews
Would You Sign a Contract You Have Not Read?
Few days pass when I’m not asked to sign a contract. Whether it’s a form granting permission to record a workshop, or a “click through agreement” I must complete to sit in the exit row on an outbound flight, pages...
Topics: General