Crisis Communications
Crisis events rarely materialize when or how or why we expect. Your organization’s response in a crisis can be a defining moment if handled gracefully. Alternatively, an overzealous, misstated, or emotional response to a crisis shine a painful, momentum-sapping spotlight on your mission. Saying the right thing at the right time is much more likely … Continued
A Matter of Opinion: Risk Aware Publishing Insights
By Glenn Mott Media relations once meant anticipating, reacting to, and responding to the media and their requests. This presumed some ability to control the message, and took place through the cultivation of networks and relationships with journalists, who in turn came to rely on individuals and organizations as credible sources. Now that every organization … Continued
Good Measures: Reassessing Your Social Media Response
Frustrated flyer? Take to social media and dispute it with the airline, looping in one of the top executives with an @ sign. Have a small apartment mailbox clogged with fliers, special offers and unwanted catalogues? Want to stop receiving the print media? Don’t email customer service. Speak directly to the company’s Director of Marketing … Continued
1st Quarter Open Door Session
1st Quarter Webinar Topics Codes of Conduct Social Media and the Law Risk Oversight Questions about these… or other risk topics?
Managing Social Media Risk and Reward
Social media tools offer low cost, engaging and creative ways to engage a wide array of stakeholders. Yet like any tool deployed to advance your nonprofit’s mission, there’s plenty of downside risk along with potential reward. Register for this webinar to learn about the risks caused by intentional as well as unintentional conduct on the … Continued
April 7, 2016
Atlanta, GA
Southern Grants Forum, Spring 2016, The Private Client Law Group
“Risk Management for Human Resources,” “Enterprise Risk Management” and “Risk Management for Social Media”