
Live Long and Prosper: Strategies for Longevity in Risk and Life

By Melanie Lockwood Herman When NRMC meets with prospective consulting clients, they almost always express concern about sustaining their risk management efforts. We hear things like: “We were full speed ahead when we began our ERM program a few years back, but it has withered on the vine. We need to build something that is … Continued

Make Progress in Your Risk Program Real, Not a Mirage

By Melanie Lockwood Herman In their terrific book, Risk: A User’s Guide, authors McChrystal and Butrico describe “structure” as one of 10 dimensions of building a “Risk Immune System.” But they caution readers that changing the structure of a function may not necessarily mean the function is improving. Experienced nonprofit leaders know the illusion and … Continued

Risk Leadership Life Hacks

by Melanie Lockwood Herman A Google search for the term “life hacks” returns 318 million results. That’s a lot of advice on efficiency whirling around the web! These days, everyone is interested in how to do things better, maximize precious time and resources, and bolster personal and professional efficiency. I recently listened as a leader … Continued

Growing Up Fast: Risk Program Maturity

By Melanie Lockwood Herman Every year on my daughter’s birthday, I am reminded of how quickly time passes. So many milestones in her life seem like they happened moments ago: her first Halloween-themed birthday party, the first day of kindergarten, her first dance recital, and so on. During a recent birthday chat, I refrained from … Continued

Perfect is the Mortal Enemy of the Good: Why Minimum Viable Risk Practices are Perfect

By Melanie Lockwood Herman Seasoned hiring managers and interviewers often listen carefully for an interviewee’s response that acts as a red flag waving “don’t hire this person!” For me, it’s a statement like this: “I’m a perfectionist,” or “My biggest weakness is that I don’t want to stop working on something until I get it … Continued