
Risk Lessons from a Wilderness Survival Expert

By Melanie Lockwood Herman Recently I hosted wilderness survival expert Laura Handley while she was in town guiding a crew of day campers in a program sponsored by the nonprofit land trust in my village. Handley is a writer, hiker, and forager who once hiked to the highest points in 38 states in a four-month … Continued

Dream a Little Dream: Managing Sleep Deprivation Risks

By Katharine Nesslage Our ambitious 24/7 lifestyles, filled with unbalanced diets, low physical activity, excessive electronic media use, and psychosocial stress, are causing a precipitous decline in our sleep. But the safety implications of sleep deprivation have been known for decades. Precipitating causes of the Three Mile Island nuclear incident (1979), the Exxon Valdez oil … Continued

Going on a Field Trip: Identifying & Managing Risks Related to Outdoor Programs

“It’s only a field trip… What could possibly go wrong?” Outdoor activities are often a popular programming choice for organizations. Activities may range from an employee team traveling off-site for a teambuilding program to an afterschool program taking their young participants on a hike at a local park. Whatever the setting or activity, your team … Continued